Thursday, February 11, 2010

A New Hobby

My new hobby is actually an old one. I love quilts. I have always loved quilts. I love the patterns and colors, and I love to sew so it is only natural that I would choose quilting as a hobby. One of my good friends, Christine, is a quilter. I loved looking at all of her quilts, but could only dream about actually making one. I have made quilts before, but it was only from looking at them and copying the idea. I had never taken a class or learned any techniques. This has all changed. The first thing I did was join Christine's quilt group. This was very intimidating since I knew how limited I was in this field. The second thing I did was join Christine's beginning quilt class. A little knowledge is so helpful! Christine and I visited a quilting shop that sponsored a crazy quilt class. This was the last straw - I love crazy quilts and just had to learn how to do it! I signed up for a crazy quilt class! In the same shop was a Valentine's table runner that I loved. It would be a good practice class before the crazy quilt class and it was only $10 so I signed up for that too. The table runner is complete and I have 5 other projects started. Yep, I'm hooked, and I love it.

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